Saturday, May 8, 2010

The Time My Buddy Got Ran Over (and lived!)

First off, he's alive, so don't think this is like, a snuf blog, or something.

Oakland, California. The Raider/49er game (1999, I think.)

My buddy Rob and I went to the Raider/49er preseason game in Oakland. Now, Rob's a 49er fan, and being in Oakland, we decided to keep that to ourselves. Until about 2 hours of tailgatin', a bottle of Hennesy, and A LOT of beer. Lets just say we were havin fun. We walk down one side of the parking lot, and see a local radio station "hyping" the crowd, yelling "Go Raiders!" and stuff like that. Then my drunk ass buddy grabs the mic and screams "49ERS!!!!" You could hear a pin drop. (I start slowly backing away..) The D.J. walks over to Rob and tells him "..damn you got balls, here's a free case of ale.." We're both like (I slowly come back...), umm...O.K.! and continue to get hammered before the game. (We ran into another friend of ours and had some Hennesy, so by this point we were stammering around all drunk!)

Now, we're in the game, and it's like right after halftime. (and hella more drinks, we know the bartender in the club in the stadium.) Rob, like forcefully stands up out of his seat, and tells me (more like slurr to me) "I'll be back". So some time passes, the game's almost over, and no Rob. I go look all over the stadium, go back to my car, which is parked in the parking lot across the freeway. No Rob. I'm like, shit! Where the hell is he? I go back to the stadium, look all over again, stop and actually puked because I was frickin' hammered too. I head back to my car and figure I'll wait and see if he just shows up. O.K., so I'm sittin' in my car, and I see the guy next to me, in a little mini-truck, trying to leave. From the looks of it, it's like he's stuck. Then he burns rubber, gets un-stuck, and takes off. During that, I hear a scream.

Right as I'm getting out a couple comes up and says "Hey that guy just got ran over!", and I'm like "I've been lookin' for him!". I go over and see if he's alright, and he is, his T-shirts on him sideways now, with his head in his sleeve, so all you see is his mouth, and it's smiling. He also had a tread mark across his chest and arm.I get him into the car and leave (I know drunk driving is incrediblly stupid, and I don't in no way endorse or approve of it.) But on the way home, still buzzin', Rob just sits up, whips his head around, and is just smilling his ass off at me, then passes back out. I'm frickin' dyin'!!! All I see is his mouth out the hole of his sleeve. (I'm still kinda drunk too.) I had to pull over because I was laughing so hard. After that I take (more like carry) him to his house and go home.

The next day I get a phone call from Rob, and he's wondering where the tread mark came from. Again, I'm dyin' laughing. He had no clue he got ran over. He told me he wandered to my car during the game, passed out on my car's hood, and (most likely, we still arn't sure) rolled off and under the truck next to my car. At first it was scarry as hell, because he could have easily been killed, but after the shock of it all, we think it's funny as hell. (Much to other people's shock.) To this day we still talk about how lucky he was, and how stupid we both used to be! (We are way more careful now.)

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